Base Material: Stainless Steel Plating: 3XSize: 20cm Care: Tarnish Resistant / Water Resistant Circle Nail Bangle評価は1件のレビューに基づき、5つ星中5.0です。5.0 | 1件のレビュー£19.99価格Buy 2 get 1 freeOptions数量カートに追加する今すぐ購入GuaranteeThis product is covered by the Isolene Guarantee レビュー5つ星のうち5と評価されています。5.01件のレビューレビューを投稿5つ星14つ星03つ星02つ星01つ星01件のレビュー評価でフィルター:すべての評価並び替え:評価が高い順Amelia5つ星のうち5と評価されています。I’ve been wearing this for 6 months. I never take it off. Tricky to put on, I had to contact customer service to find out how to open it. She was so helpful.
I’ve been wearing this for 6 months. I never take it off. Tricky to put on, I had to contact customer service to find out how to open it. She was so helpful.